oh just came home.... hmmm got school tomorrow... that kinda sucks.... everyone is outside having fun and i'm stuck in school... hmmm today... boy i'm extremely tired... work/school work/school... just keeps on alternating... and when monday is hit then... thats my break... hmmmm school is almost ending..that means this pattern will come to an end... soon a new pattern is gonna start.... hmmm 8:00 ... 3 days a week... dont know if i could manage it... i was laye 7 times already... thats like 2 absents.. i tihnk i'm gonna fail ... cause on the syllabus said ... 2 absents is failing... sigh... i think i have to take that class next semester agian... hmmmm.... man i hope not... neways... wow today at work...the boss me told me to help him with a $400 phone order... catering wow ... i wasted so much energy making everything nice and neat... hmmm i was really drained out today... yea... and after that phone order... people started comin in at 12... o m g the line was till outside... hmmm me phil and sonia tired our best.... we were like 10 tickets behind... wow.. thats was so kool... kinda fun too... neways... i'm cutting something new today... ope not bacon... nope not bread... hmmmm not lettuce... lol... cutting meatball... lol... i almost cut myself again... stupid meatballs so hard to cut... yea.... so i was really tired when i left... wells before i left... my boss told me that he's not gonna be in sunday... lol so if you guys feel like dropping by then... probably sneak you a free sandwich... hahaha... first thing came to mind... oh boy... that chili... hahahaha.... lol... man i love them chilis... dont know why.... yea... it's good if you add cheddar cheese on it... yup yup....ne ways.... yea got off work.. took the bus... GOD DAMN IT>>>> i hate the bus.... man i almost barfed today... wells i was gonna but holded it in... lol EWWWW but neways... lol you really believed me ... ahhh... you're a dum dum... so....yea.. i was sitting on the bus with kenndy and this ... girl... a friend of her... and they were talking about ppl in grand... seward... coleman....lilflower... lol... i was gonna head home cause then prima said she's not gonna be at grand...and kenndy said play with her... man... i was gonna go home and practice my speech... it's worth 50%... i cant fail... sigh... man i'm getting kinda nervous... ok ok i'll practice later... so... yea that girl... kenndy's friend... yea. the topic beer came up... i was like... yum yum... long time no drink.... but nah... gentlemen now.... lol... neways... went to grand .... o m g.. look ... is that lai ma? hmmm no no...but wait she's waving to me.... hmmmm let me walk closer... ahhhh look it's lai ma in a jiggly costume... awwww.... so yummy... lol neways... played a little handball.... boy i was cold... waiting for like 30mins-1 hr till i could get on the court... hmmm prima had gotten better... the serves... not the returns... she just needs to be more calm.... thats all.... focus... actually if you focus.. you could do a lot of this you never thought you could... trust me on this one.... neways... yea it was time to pick up lil chunli... lol... yup yup.... yea so we (some dude...) lol yea that "dude" lol thinks he knows me through this guy.... hey you look familiar you know "DEW" lol... i was confused... but ... i tried to paly along... oh yea him... yea he changed a lot oh he's a player... yea he is... saw him with his gf... yea kung fu... yea went to kung fu class with him.. yea... lol man... he fell for it.... oh wells.. that killed some times... picked up Sara... and oh yea i had to get them forks and knifes cause of that little party tomorrow.... man i'm nervous .... hmm i didnt knonw what to get... hmmm cookies... ahhh... chinese cookie's neways... i volunteered to bring the easy and stressless items... lol... yea.. so she and that dude followed along... and got them items... yup and Sara wanted purple gum... so she picked out ... them gums... hmmm it's been a while sick i tasted this guy that i'm chewing... hmmm i'm blowing a bubble while typing kool huh? neways... yea... after that we went to bakery and sat down... hmmm we were palying around... throwing paper balls around... o m g... we mad a mess... lol...that was dum la... yea... then prim's right hand...index finger was busted... hmm probably from handball.. when you try to pick up the ball ... scrapped her finger.. maybe... not sure... poor lai ma... yea .. so after that... walked to grand... Sara said she wants to paly handball... oh handballl.... lol... she's into handball at the age of 4... hmmm she's gonna become a pro... neways... yea... and now i'm home... still lowing on that dum bubble gum.... yea i have to take a bath.... practice speech then... little nap then study some more... work on my take home test or project... then practice agian... and probably laima is gonna go online by then... not sure... neways... i have to go.... and sorry about the long entry... i always so that... i'm such a sor sor... sorry la... wells neways... i dont think neone is gonns read all this crap.... but... just want to write it down... cause maybe... 2 years from now... i look back and say.... hmmm something... lol ok ok... first thing on "to do list" take a bath la... yea... tired la... hmmmm i go la... ok ok... talk to you guys online... take care.. and hope Prima's finger heals... damn it wasnt her middle finger... i for one would be happy ... no more middle at me... haha... neways... man.. i just keep on stalling dont know why.... i hope this semester ends... want to feel stressless... go out have some fun... handballl... SLEEP omg... really need some of that...neways... see you once agian... hope this time i'm really leaving... ok ok... clicking submit... wait... why dont you ppl comment as soon as i post this up....? man... ppl's friend comment at that same minute she post it up... o m g... wells i'm guessing by the time you finish.... it's too late... ok ok... see you la....
Friday, December 12, 2003
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yup today was fun...
ReplyDeletelolz...cutting meatballs...haha...everyone is busy these days...studying for finals...but its okie...after this week...the torture is finalli ova!..
ReplyDeletewow....another essay man.....u should major in writing instead.....anywayz.....ahhhh....headache....man...good luck on ur finals....eprops.....
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm surprised that you're actually putting every single details that's happened in your daily basis. I'm surprisingly impressed. You've changed from a no-sense feeling kind of person to a now really energized battery. Maybe you can help me do my upcoming three-pages essay, and maybe I can use your help to actually list all the details on it. For someone that's extremely busy everyday, you've actually update more than anyone else that are distracted from their everyday activities. I didn't even update very much myself, and I'm not even very busy myself. At least you're proving to me that you're actually speaking more positive events and I've had regrets of attacking your personal experiences. Besides work and all that, maybe you should focus on improving your physical abilities, maybe some other alternative sports. I don't think handball is really all that helpful. You should try some basketball, or volleyball, and believe me, you'll get a kick out of it. I've actually improved my physical capabilities by getting more involved into other activities, others than being on the computer all day and just sit there, and you're right, it's not healthy for people. You may see me online, but believe me, I'm not always on the computer constantly. I could be either outside walking around or downstairs watching T.V (watching the history channel and they're showing me a lot of interesting stuff on WWII and so on).
ReplyDeleteThat's all I'm going to say for now, so have a great day!
lol...damn..that entry was soOoo long...hehehhe...>=/ hey u was the 1 that said lets take the bus...so dnt complain..hehehe...yeh..glad u had fUn...talk to u later..bye bye =)