hmmm ok ok... many people are complainning that my entries are too long... ok i'll try to make it as short as possible... hmmm i woke up went to work and came back home...

what? too short? yea i know you want to know more right? ok ok... so yesterday i created a program for my AOL messenger... lol oh that was so orginal... hmmm yea.. i didnt get to talk to my lai ma yesterday... she working on her homework,... english histoey and half math... hmmmm oh wells see her sn on is enough la... yea so yesterday i was working on the project... for MS 101... sigh... it's kinda hard cause there's only 2 people working in the group. the other 2 arent doing shit... neways... it's aite...when black dude sent the file over it was kinda dead... and after i fixed it up... it was really enhanced ... with pics and graphics.... hehe... ne ways... it's due tomrrow .... hmmm 10 % of our grade....dont want to fuck up when we're preesnting it... neways... yea..

the korean movie finally ended... oh she found a donor .... oh yea... it's not cancer.... lol ... man they really translated that movie really well... i dont even know what kinda illness she had until my mom told me... hmm " bone water" in canto... hmmm no idea... wells... it's da water inside of the bone and it's rare to find someone that have the same type as you.... hmmm she was so damn sad after she woke up in the hostipal.... Hmmm ....she was really fortunate to have all those friends around her at times like these... ne ways.... a friend of her "little sister" not by blood was told she "might" have the same type.... but after 2 days of examination... it wasnt... she was so happy for the pass 2 days... and she was so damn fucken ass sad lol when she found out... ne ways.... yea... they finally found someone that matched her... and she decidied to take the surgery even though it was only a 30% chance... hmmm... and then at the end ... she was ok

and lived happy ever after then end.... BOOOO man ... neways i'm glad it ended... Me and laima's prediction was wrong la... she didnt die... neways... it was all good.... yea yea... i woke up at 8 this morning... and i was really tired... man i didnt want to go to work. Oh man the train stopped ... cause of some signal shit..

whatever... the operator kept on saying sorry and he told a joke... he said sorry... you probably be late for work... you better hope your boss is on this train too so you guys could be late together... lol yea yea... and when i got to brooklyn bridge... i missed the damn 5 train... just took off i was so close... ne ways i was only 9 mins late... yea at work it was kool.... hmmmm Gibi insisted that every time when she comes in and when i leave i had to give her a kiss and a hug... yup....

man she "freeloaded" 5 hugs and kisses today... hmmmm .... wells... hmmmm neways... yea... met up with kenndy and took the train.... she had contacts oh ... man i thought i was seeing things... lol ...

yea she forced me to go to cherry and meet up with xiao and vincent ... oh... i wanted to take the damn S train.... it was right there... but neways ... took the F.... and met up with them then vincent said he's leaving .... i was like... hmmmm got my ass all the way over here and you're leaving.... and hey... where's my treat for lunch... forgot so soon? lol ne ways... i walked home... and i'm here sitting in front of the computer... trying to make my entry as short as possible... lol opps ...i think this is still a lot ... ok ok heres a tip... just read the first sentence , the middle sentence and the last... and just write some BS comment... and i probably think your read the whole thing...

hehe... neways... where's my lai ma... hmmm probably getting her ass to pick up her little Sara.... yup the little girl that likes to pop danny gor gor's bubble gum... lol... i cant wait till this semester is over... oh really cant wait... me gonna be playing handball if it's not cold and the floor isnt slippery...

lol... yup... i'm gonna kick all your asses... every single one of them....

i brought cookie... who wants? hmmm this sure looks short enough... i guess i'm gonna click submit... i see you all online... missed you all...