I don't know why am I writing another story. Maybe thats a good way to express my emotions. Oh well, if you had read the previous one tell me which one is better. ok?
Todayi felt like i'm a bad person. I let my friend down. i promised her that i'll talk to her but i totally forgot about her. She was mad at me. I couldn't say anything but sorry. I guess i had said a lot of sorries to her that shes not accepting anymore.
Also, today i took a lot of pictures. We had a snow fight. I took some nice pictures of my friends and me. If you would like to see some, message me and i would be glad to share some happiness. If you have time read my story, if not then read it next time. Good night~~ Bye Bye!! and Sweet Dreams~~
The darkness has just landed on the city, New York. All was silent except the sound of AIM, messaging back and forth and the keys being pounded on the keyboard. It was a tension atmosphere, where Dan’s mom screaming and yelling at Dan, “Sai jai, Close the computer.” Dan was too excited and thrilled, that he didn’t hear his mom yelling at him. Boom!! “Sai jai, close the computer or I’ll pull all the plugs” said Dan’s mom. “Jo make yeah ah? I’m doing my homework.” answered Dan with confusion. Dan hastily typed the last few words… Good night~~ Bye Bye~~ Sweet Dreams~~ and signed off AIM. Dan then turns off this computer and jumped to his bed with laughter. Hehehehe… Hahahaha… Can’t wait until tomorrow he thought to himself. All lights were then shut and the room became silent. All you could hear was the excitement in Dan’s heart, pounding and pounding. Dan closed his eyes to sleep but he couldn’t because ever time he closes his eyes, he thought about tomorrow. There wasn’t anything Dan wanted more then the night would pass faster. The more Dan wishes, the longer the night was to Dan. “What would I do if I told her this? What if my mom doesn’t let me go out? What if? Ahhhhhhhhhhh” he thought to himself. He closed his eyes…
“Hai sun la, sai jai” shouted Dan’s mom while pushing him. “It’s 11 am. Wake up!!” As soon as Dan heard the number 11, he popped up from his bed and bumped his head on the bunk bed. “11 am.? I’m late” he said anxiously. “Ouch” he added rubbing his head. He then jumped to his computer and turned is on. Loading… “God damnit. So slow” he claimed. He then looked at the clock and realized that it was only 9 am. He logon to his SN and open the chat box right away.
Dan: Hey good morning.
Ann: sup sup
Dan: Hmmm what you doing so early?
Ann: I have to prepare for the meeting later today.
Dan: yea?
Dan: Don’t be late!!
Ann: I won’t but don’t forget about the flowers and my red envelope!
Dan: I won’t.
Ann: Okay, I’ll see you there then.
Ann: bye bye
Dan: bye bye
Dan: see you later.
Dan was so happy that he didn’t bother answering his other messages. Two of his friends had messaged him and had something to say to him but he never answer back. Dan dressed up really fast and then told his mom he was going out to his friend’s home. Dan’s mom said “no, eat fist before you go out.” Dan said “ok ok but hurry hurry.” Dan’s mom took a long to cook and it was soon 11:30 am. Dan was screaming and demanding his food. Dan’s mom gradually finished his and placed it on the table. Dan only took 3 minutes to eat it. He made a mess on the table and also on his face. Luckily he took a last look in the mirror to check and he found a noodle on his cheeks. He wiped it off and charged out the door. He ran as fast as he could but no matter how fast his leg could carry him; because he was late to begin with. On his way to his destination he was trying to seek for some flowers for Ann but they all were closed. When he felt there was no hope an on-street flower shop appeared with loads of flowers. Dan was so happy. He ran to it but as soon he saw the flowers his eyes were full of disappointment. The flowers were small, literally small roses. Dan didn’t know should he buy it but he came to a conclusion really fast because he was under pressure. He just brought it and continued his running. When he got there, he saw Ann staying there. She doesn’t seem mad or anxious; she just came up to Dan and said you’re 9 minutes late. Dan gave her the flowers and she smiled at him. Dan had promised her to watch the Dragon Dance Parade with her. Dan and Ann walk to Mott Street where the crowd was. As they were walking Dan cracked a few funny jokes to boost up the comfortable atmosphere. When they got there the sidewalk it was packed with Chinese people. Everyone was trying to get through to the other side. Dan and Ann was pushed, stepped and squeezed many times before they made it across the busy sidewalk. “Look it’s snowing” Dan said. “Where where” Ann asked. “Look closely and you’ll see” Dan answered. Ann scared closely at Dan’s direction. Dan’s face turned red. “So… how you liked the flowers?” asked Dan. Ann answered “it looks beautiful.” “Look the parade had started” shouted Dan. They watched with this undivided attention. They enjoyed every moment of the parade. There was a lady passing out lucky charms and Dan stuck out his hand and she gave him one. Ann did get one so she felt sad. Dan offered his to her and Ann had her happy mood back again. “Let’s go” Dan said. Then they decided to visit the arcade fair before they called it a day. The fair was only a street away so Ann decided to walk first since Dan had to tie his shoe lace. “Boop Boop!!” the truck honked. Ann was just standing there, holding the charm, looking with fear. Dan charged out and pushed her away. The momentum was so strong that it knocked Dan far away. The last site of his vision was Ann on the floor. His vision had then become darkness. All was he saw within the darkness was a flash back their happiness together. Dan’s arms, leg, and neck bones felt like it had shattered.