OMG i twisted my ankle. Hurts like hell!! Someone call the doctor! Oh man if this pain keeps up I dont think i'll be able to go iceskating on Sunday. Hmmmm any advice? So bad luck today but its not total bad that I twisted my ankle. After that incident happen she really care a lot and was willing to bring me home. What a sacrifice! But its worth it to me. So hows your day? Ahhh no time for that.
Just playing
Today I got my plan all ready. Want to hear it? Ofcourse you do. This is how it goes. Morning of the birthday i'll wake up early and go buy a dozen flowers for my girl then i'll hind it in Ms. Nikkilos' room and ask her to give it to her at the end of the period. SURPRISE!! Then period two I go up to Ms. McCarty and ask her to give her another stack of flower which is only half a dozen (these flowers arent real) SURPRISE!!
Third period i'll buy her a present. Undecided at this point but i'll let you know if I thought of it.
The period four i'll give her a card written in chinese. This is the hardest present to complete. I never knew how to write chinese so this would be a challenge! I can do it!!
Period five is when we meet by that time i'll be recieving my present. NO NO not my birthday too I mean a Hug or a Or something I hope. Ofcourse i'll but her another present for me to give to her myself that is also undecided.
Man I never been through this much before but for her it's an acception.
Love You
Nice plan danny.....i'm sure she will love you twist your ankle???.......well i dont really have any advice for that.....just put some ice on it and dont put too much pressure on it.....hopefully it will heal if not be better by sunday.....well.....chances are i wont go with you guys.....sooo have fun.....eprops....