Its hard to keep up everyday but i'll try. I was tricked this afternoon. She founded out my surprise. Well that surprise was to throw her off and she felt for it. She tricked me to tell her. She claims that she knows whats the surprise. I didnt believe her at first untill she said you did it last year. That blew it cause I did. After I said how you know I was about to call? She instantly figured out that I was going to call up to the AM 1480 radio station and announce that its her birthday and ask them to broadcast a song for her. Ahhhhhhh I was so mad at first but then I realize that she actually learned this trick from me. That how i trick her all the time. Oh then after being mad I was actually proud. After that there were a lot of kissing and hugging involved. Now I have to rate my page PG-13 Strongly adviced for children over 13 to view.
Today I got nothing to do so I started to write. What else is there to write beside poetry. Want to hear one? Ofcourse you do. It all comes out of my heart and its for you know who. Please dont copy and claim its yours ok Or i'll be really mad!!
Here it goes...
Poem number 1
Here in my heat you lie,
Full of warmth.
Thinking about the past
makes me want to hold you tight.
Dont go Dont go
You'll break my heart.
Using my site to paste this poem for my friend's Tina
In the meanwhile,
I'll pretend you're here,
That we are together.
Laughing and loving....
One day, soon we will be together.
Untill then I'll see you in my dreams.
lol.......well....she is got trick by your own game.....nice plan call up the radio and all that.....eprops....nice poem....