Thursday, October 28, 2004

YAWN.... booring..... Yea had this nightmare... YEA A FUCKEN NIGHTMARE... it was about zombies... Damn fuckers kept on regenerating after i hmmmmm forgot exactly what happened but it was scary... Yea.. i was almost late cause of that...But... luckily the train came right there i reached the station... HEHe ... I had to walk up them fucken stair... 10 flights... inorder to get here on time... DAMN FUCKE N CITYTECH evelators.... Curse themm faggots... lol... just realized no one eats that the stupid cafe anymore... Yea THURSDAY... I LOVE THURSDAYS... why...??


  1. hmm... that's an easy question. because thursday's are "rate my picture" day. ooooo and the site that the black don vito went to deserves a 10. lmao. i liked how he tried to be slick and take another peek by going to another "PICTURE". thursday's = fun day
