Wednesday, July 2, 2003

     Good news… my plant, the one I planned in Japan is still standing… When I left Japan my plant was experiencing difficulty surviving in that atmosphere. It’s pedals was turning black and started to rot… but not it’s ok J

     I got my first Happy Birthday text message from my friend Kim… Glad she remembered. Unfortunately this year I’m not able to celebrate it… along with those other years… Too bad my birthday is on a weekday, a day before July 4th. Cant get off…besides i heard it's going to rain tomorrow...Oh wells… Maybe next year…   

     Add on... Someone else congrated me on my Bday but didnt leave a name.... her Sn is OrEoWiThCrEmE and she knows some of my friends... sound like a stalker heh? I bet you guys/girls could help me on this one... who is she... Lorraine? got it from her auto response...


  1. ~Christi,  Happy Birthday Danny!!!......and OrEoWiThCrEmE is maggie..~

  2. happy bday danny....was supz...hope u enjoy ur bday n dont forget 2 make a wish.....make a good one

  3. hey man.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.....eprops...

  4. MaKe TaT WiSh GoooD.. We DuN GeT BiRtHdaEs EvErY MoNth.. ReMeMBa WhEn Ur FiNiSh MaKiNg Up Ur MiNd On TaT WiSh AnD LeT Me KnoEz.. I PrOmiSe I WoN'T LaUgH.. (Keekekee)
