Monday, August 28, 2006

Oh hey.. i found out that... .. wells not all but .. by the looks of it... everyone who worked in the Y is a YEP or has worked there for a while.. for the Y.. and here i am .. coming out of no where.. hired... with no YMCA experience.. working as a senior 3... Yup.. sounds cool .. wells... i'm a new guy... so dont know how stuff works... but it's ok.. Yea today ... the kids have a lesson .. on the 4 ... elements of the YMCA... and it's not Y ... M.... C.... A... lol... i was thinking the same... so... it's Caring Honesty Responsibility and Respect.... Yea.. what got to me is Honesty.. like that word really hurts... What is honesty? so .. no matter how we feel what we think.. no matter what we should tell others? where do we draw the lines between what is being honest and what is not.. .wells definitely not.. lying.. but i'm looking more deeply... you feelings... is not telling your feelings to others is not being not honest? to me... i think it is... and it really hurts... i Dont know... just want to get that out... yea.. big trip tomorrow... need a lot of sleep and money.. .lol...