Friday, May 21, 2004

Oh... a choice on my english final been bugging me...When a person chose a major in college that person can only be professional in that area and ignorant at others. What is to be consider an educated person? LoL Man I didnt pick this topic to write about because i cant even definite an education person. Where do we draw the lines between an educated person and not? If a person goes to college and completed it, is he or she educated? Or High school? I do find it true. Like my professors, they are only intelligent at their field; but when it comes to computer, I know more than him. There are just so much in the world to comprend and squeeze in your little mind. LoL **cough** sigh... my illness is starting to bug me.... Damnit go AWAY

P.S i hope Prima feels better... I kinda feel unhappy seeing you unhappy... hehe..


  1. Pro-ri-ah eh?  =D  Anyways, the answer to your quoted question is that life is like dat ... no one can cram in every info. in ther minds ... it's just impossible to cram tat much ... we all have a limit and same goes for computers ... ther memories are determined by megabytes and gigas ... long inactive knowledge tat exist in ur mind is automatically deleted n replace by new just as a computer ... once a comp's hard drive has no space left ... the recommendation is to delete the old inactive files and replace it with new ones.  Basically, my point is our storage facility is impossible to store every single detailed knowledge ... it's just practically impossible unless, your a book worm.  =D

  2. Note:  Over-saturation of knowledge can cause mental illnesses.  This is the truth.  =D

  3. yea.. we can be so smart at everything, and still might not get the girl we want... hahahahaha.. irony -_-
